Monday, October 5, 2009


So we don't post on this anymore... because none of us any longer live in M-10. But that doesn't mean the memories don't live on in my heart. because they do. I have one word for you all: Reunion. seriously. let's do it. I am thinking New Moon opening night? OR if that doesn't work, macaroni grill? maybe?

Give me your thoughts. it needs to happen. Especially cuz I do not know what is going on in your lifes. Except for that Neen and Alex are closer to getting married? eh?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why didn't we ever put pictures on here? for rizzle.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

i miss m10 too

Hey... so I kind of want to know how everyone's life is! please? haha.. maybe you want to know how mine is too... whoops!

my life is great.... i only wish i could get my name changed and finish moving in. that would be lovely. AND i am only taking 12 credit hours... yes... i am a slacker. But i also have to cook food every night. usually. AND i like my job. for the most part.

i promise to update my blog soon... but for now.... "WHAT IS GOING ON?" :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

missing m10

i miss my little friends.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

i'm heeeeeere!

well i am currently sitting alone in the good ole' m10 and i am missing my original m10ians. i just thought i'd let you all know.

Monday, July 28, 2008

da move.

so i'm currently in a super cheap hotel in hill city, south dakota, and I decided to let you know that i have survived the cross country trip thusfar. we're going to see mt. rushmore in about an hour or so and i'm way excited. worry not, though. pictures will be taken :)

so we actually left our house on the 24th COMPLETELY empty. it was the weirdest thing. especially having to pack up 30 years worth of junk. we had these movers come and pack it all up for us and one of them was seriously a giant!! no joke. he was huge. my brother and i laughed about it for a while and then quickly got out of his way whenever he was coming toward us with about 10 boxes in his arms. so we left (so hard) and went westward. as we drove through west virginia, my mom said, "well, we are currently homeless and unemployed in west virginia. it's rather fitting."

we then went the rest of the day (13 HOURS!!!) to st. louis and stopped for a day with my sister, brother-in-law, and adorable nephew. and i think i got enough pictures of my nephew to make a flip book. we then went on to nauvoo, winter quarters, and are now in south dakota. tomorrow we'll head on over to byu-idaho for michelle to look around, and then we'll be on our way (finally) to utah to close on our house! it's been an eventful and fun trip :)

these are the adventures of the lowe family.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

hi friends that keep me updated on life.... or not. whatever. that's ok. i don't need to know if you are dying or getting married or anything...

i just have a few words to say. i have retainers that i have to wear for six months and they stink. because they hurt and i can't talk.